Mission Services is grateful to announce that the Ontario Trillium Foundation is providing $200,000 in funding for three new HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) units for our 196 Wentworth St. N. location. With this location being home to many programs and services that we provide, it is vital that everything is kept in working order to provide comfort, safety, and consistent programming to our service users.
Our current HVAC units are old and nearing the end of their operational lifespan and a sudden breakdown would negatively impact many of our programs. Our Emma’s Place and Willow’s Place programs would likely need to shut down temporarily, depending on the season, as a lack of HVAC would create an unsafe environment for program participants. At our Good Food Centre, a sudden lack of Air Conditioning could cause food to spoil, decreasing fresh food available to our community, and increasing the costs needed to ensure our neighbours are receiving adequate nutrition.
These new HVAC units guarantee that we will not have to wait for an emergency to replace them, saving us valuable funds that we can use to provide excellent service to our clients. With these new, improved HVAC units we will also save money on our heating, cooling, and ventilation costs, allowing us to direct those savings toward our programs and community!
Thank you to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for providing these essential funds, allowing us to continue to provide compassionate care to our neighbours.