Monthly Food & Hygiene Drives
Every month, we encourage our community members to host food and hygiene drives based around a particular need.
Download our Winter Drive Toolkit to learn more about how to host a drive in your neighbourhood, workplace, or group!
Current Season's Fundraising Campaign is Food and Hygiene Supplies
Click Here for a poster with a list of our most-needed items.
Drop Off Information: You can drop off your collected items Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm at our Community Services entrance, located at 196 Wentworth St N.
Contact communityrelations@mission-services.com for assistance with advertising or for more information.
Please note that Mission Services cannot accept donations of used clothing, furniture or household items. Other organizations do a great job of collecting and distributing clothes and furniture.
Start a Fundraising Campaign
Mission Services relies on a huge range of supporters to continue working to alleviate poverty, homelessness, and addiction in Hamilton. Join us in building a better future for everyone. Looking for ideas? Check out a list of ways to help below!
Corporate and Businesses
- Employee Giving
- Financial Partnerships
- Sponsor a Family
- Host a Drive
Contact us at communityrelations@mission-services.com to learn more about these opportunities for your business to support those who rely on our programs and services.
- Host a Food or Hygiene Drive
- Host a Food or Hygiene Drive
- Host a birthday fundraiser on Facebook
- Donate a Car Canada
- Host an Event
Faith Communities
- Host a Food or Hygiene Drive