Gifts of Securities

Interested in donating Gift of Securities?

Your gift of publicly-listed securities has an immediate impact on the lives of your neighbours. Your generosity and love will go a long way to providing hope for Hamiltonians in need. You are not only providing thousands of meals, but food to hundreds of families; shelter from harsh and unpredictable weather; personalized care; a loving community; and, in spite of the pandemic, an opportunity to feel joy.

A tax receipt will be sent to you for your donation.

Please contact us for an "Agreement to Donate" form which has the account information you will need.

Our contact information
Mission Services of Hamilton Inc.
PO Box 368, 196 Wentworth St N
Hamilton, ON L8L 7W2
905-528-4211 x 3108
Charitable Registration Number 119043206 RR 0001

*Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

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