Addiction Services – New Virtual Groups

Young white man wearing a t-shirt sits in front of a laptop at a desk in a workshop.

Taking Steps is exploratory group that offers support and education for individuals considering making changes to their substance use.

As of June 4, 2021, Suntrac will be providing Taking Steps for Men groups, in a virtual format, on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, and on Friday mornings from 9:00am to 10:00am. Groups will be offered via the Microsoft Teams platform (videoconferencing).

Suntrac will also be providing Taking Steps for Women groups, in a virtual format, on Friday mornings from 9:00am to 10:00am. Groups will be offered via the Microsoft Teams platform (videoconferencing).

If you are interested in participating in Taking Steps groups, please call 905-528-0389 and leave a message requesting an Intake for Taking Steps.

For other virtual groups options, click here. For other program changes during COVID-19, please review this list of updates or call 905-528-0389.

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